Diffusers & Filters
The diffuser matters. You can’t judge a diffuser by its face, and submittals reveal precious little about their construction. Take a closer look and you’ll see striking differences. By committing to a true dual-chamber design, a unique dual knife-edge filter seal, and a robust extruded and welded construction, Precision Air always makes the integrity of your critical environments the highest priority.
Technical Resources
Lami-Vent Diffusers
Low Profile HEPA-Vent Diffusers
Other Precision Air Solutions
Abut Precision Air
Precision Air Products Company is the only U.S. healthcare company specializing in improving surgical patient outcomes through customized, zero-particle OR airflow solutions. Since 1974, our research-based philosophy has been built upon the idea that patients and surgical teams deserve the safest, most comfortable environments that technology can provide. By placing a strong emphasis on custom innovation and ROI for our customers, hospitals all over the world are enjoying the value-added benefits that only a specialist like Precision Air can provide.